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A love note to family and friends

Usually when we break the news of this trip to someone for the first time we hear the questions of why, how long will you be gone, why, what will you be doing, why, where will you work when you return, followed by, why.

We look at this next year as a little hiatus from the regular. Not that we don't enjoy our lives now or that we need more adventure or that the everyday isn't good enough for us. We look forward to spending this time experiencing different cultures, continuing to learn about each other, ridding the everyday of expectations and enjoying the lack of a schedule. This is not the first extended time spent traveling and we know it won't be the last. There isn't a time limit or exact destination to be reached. We worked hard to be able to make this trip a reality and are so excited that the time has come to drive away!

We know most of you think we are going to get food poisoning, be kidnapped, robbed and end up lost. But we're not (besides, maybe the food poisoning. and getting lost, yikes). Making smart travel decisions are very important to us and we promise to stay on our toes, use our best judgment but most of all Eric and i are looking forward to thoroughly enjoying ourselves. We would love your support, prayers and positive vibes during this season. We hope you have the time to look at this blog or our instagram or facebook pages every now and then to catch up with where we are and what we are doing.

We'll be back! Maybe...

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